SALA Book Club - "Theft by Finding"
This month we're reading the new David Sedaris Theft by Finding: Diaries 1977-2002.
Sedaris shares his private writings with the world. Theft by Finding is the story of how a drug-abusing dropout with a weakness for the International House of Pancakes and a chronic inability to hold down a real job became one of the funniest people on the planet.
Written with a sharp eye and ear for the bizarre, the beautiful, and the uncomfortable, and with a generosity of spirit that even a misanthropic sense of humor can't fully disguise, Theft By Finding proves that Sedaris is one of our great modern observers. It's a potent reminder that when you're as perceptive and curious as Sedaris, there's no such thing as a boring day.
We have no theme or topic for what we read. Attendees each nominate a book for next month, and the final selection is made by a poll on our SALA Facebook group.
We will meet to discuss a new book on the 1st Sunday of each month. The person who nominated the winning book hosts at their home or a public location (coffee shop etc.) of their choosing.
This month Jeff will be hosting at his place in East Hollywood. The address will be sent to those who RSVP.
Address will be emailed to RSVPs
East Hollyfood, CA 90029
United States
Google map and directions