"A Manual for Creating Atheists" with Dr. Peter Boghossian

It has often been said that you can never reason a person out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place.  Dr. Peter Boghossian, philosopher and author of the new best-seller, "A Manual for Creating Atheists", argues that this is demonstrably false.

In this public talk to promote his book, Dr. Boghossian will explain why he calls faith "an unreliable path to the truth" and introduce the techniques of "Street Epistemology" using Socratic questioning to engage people of faith in constructive conversation that will help them value reason and rationality, cast doubt on their religious beliefs, mistrust their faith, abandon superstition and irrationality, and ultimately embrace reason.  Held in the Sanctuary of a church (albeit a very liberal one, being Unitarian), this should be a very thought-provoking (or provocative, depending on your outlook) evening that will challenge believers and non-believers alike.  Following his talk there will be a Q&A session with the audience followed by a time for refreshments and conversation.  Copies of "A Manual for Creating Atheists" will also be available for sale and signing by the author.

Dr. Peter Boghossian is on the Philosophy faculty at Portland State University and has over 20 years' teaching experience to thousands of college and university students, business people and prison inmates on the topics of critical thinking and moral reasoning.  With "A Manual. . " currently the #2 book in both Philosophy and Atheism categories on Amazon and his recent appearances at events like The Amazing Meeting!, Dr. Boghossian has quickly become recognized as one of the leading thinkers in the secular movement.

This talk is sponsored by AAHS (Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists & Secularists), the freethought group of UUCCSM.  It is open to the public (bring your friends of faith!).  Donations will be encouraged and gratefully accepted because it allows AAHS to bring programs like this to public.  You can RSVP here, at the Facebook event, or on the AAHS MeetUp page.


December 20, 2013 at 7:30pm - 9pm
Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica
1260 18th St (NW corner of 18th & Arizona)
Santa Monica, CA 90404
United States
Google map and directions
Ian Dodd · · 3104220264
Russell Orrell

Will you come?