Moving Social Justice Conference
At Sunday Assembly, we like to pride ourselves on being "radically inclusive", but we know that as an organization, and as a community, we can do better, especially when it comes to outreach to people of color and other underrepresented groups in the secular movement.
Black Skeptics of Los Angeles is organizing the 1st Annual People of Color Beyond Faith conference, "Moving Social Justice". The conference is being co-sponsored by African Americans for Humanism, the Secular Student Alliance, and the Center for Inquiry.
Featured Speakers/Panelists:
AJ Johnson, Be Secular
Sikivu Hutchinson, Black Skeptics Group
Meredith Moise, Minister, Creative Heart Mission
Anthony Pinn, Rice University
Raina Rhoades, Black Freethinkers Network
Kimberly Veal, POCBF/Black Freethinkers
Donald Wright, Houston Black Non-Believers
Panels & Presentations on:
Youth leadership & busting prison pipelining
Feminism(s) of Color & community activism
Anti-racism and the myth of colorblindness
Confronting homophobia & transphobia in the Black Church
Culturally relevant humanism: what is it and why do we need it?
LGBTQ atheists of color and social justice
Organizer Sikivu Hutchinson told us that one of the best ways groups like Sunday Assembly can reach out to communities of color is to participate in their events, like this conference. We'd like to encourage as many Assemblers as can to be a part of this historic first conference. In fact, if you'd like to volunteer to help out with speaker transportation, making coffee, or generally helping out BSLA with personpower, just let us know with an email to [email protected].
The conference falls on the 2nd weekend of the month, when we'd normally be having our Assembly, but our date change for October (to the 19th) works in the conference organizers' favor.
For more information, see the BSLA webpage or check out the Facebook event page.
4773 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90027
United States
Google map and directions