Pasadena Board Game Night

Sunday Assembly Game Night Announcements

Pasadena board game nights! Come join us at ASGBGC (the “Austral San Gabriel Board Games Collective”). Weeknight games start around 7pm and run till 11 or midnight.




We play mostly strategy games, from light casuals like Machi Koro and Carcassonne to heavier contenders like Terra Mystica and Alchemists (as opposed to family games like Monopoly and Uno or party games like Charades).  A few party games usually make a showing though, like Codenames, Concept, and Time's up! Everyone is welcome, even if you haven’t played these kinds of games before! We love to teach and introduce new people to the hobby.  If you’re not familiar with these kinds of games, or with a particular game, teaming up with a more experienced players can be a great way to get your feet wet and learn while playing.


If you want to learn about these sorts of games, lots of good information can be found online. is a great resource.


November 30, 2016 at 7:00pm - 11pm
Evan and Roxane's Place
1040 N Wilson Ave
Pasadena, CA 91104
United States
Google map and directions
Evan Dorn · · 626-296-8378
Mollie Knute

Will you come?