Last (Sunday) Supper - Chio's Peruvian Grill
Looking for more opportunity to spend time with all your Sunday Assembly friends? Join us for dinner on the last Sunday of each month. We'll pick different restaurants around the city, or the occasional potluck at someone's house.
This month...
We're heading to the Valley. Join us Chio's Peruvian Grill in Van Nuys (the one on Van Nuys)
Look for a familiar face, or T-shirt or two with our SALA logo.
*Family Dinner means your SALAmander Family. Families and kids are welcome, but not required.
We try to get to different parts of town as much as we can, but aren't always familiar with what's in the area. Restaurant Suggestions always welcome. Please leave them in the comments.
February 23, 2020 at 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Jeff Sargeant