Let's Read - Feb 8
"Let's Read is one of L.A. Works' long-time signature volunteer programs that helps kids improve their literacy levels along with providing support in other subject areas as needed to children with limited access to educational resources."
Sunday Assembly LA has participated in the past, and it's a lot of fun! It's not all reading; we help with whatever subjects the students need, and there is also a group activity that is a great chance to engage with kids on less academic topics and teamwork.
This cycle of Let's Read happens every Saturday though March 29th. You are welcome to come to any event, but the kids benefit the most if you can show up consistently for at least a short stretch (LA Works recommends at least 3 weekends).
Note: If it's your first time, just RSVP here. Afterwards they require a background check (costs $25 after LA Work's subsidy) to make sure we're all on the up-and-up. We'll help you with that process if you need it.
Need a ride? email me and let me know... I'll try to work something out. A few of us are coming from Venice, so lots of LA is "on the way."