Let's Read


Tutor kids in reading, math and other subjects. 8 week program every Saturday morning.

"Let's Read is one of L.A. Works' long-time signature volunteer programs that helps kids improve their literacy levels along with providing support in other subject areas as needed to children with limited access to educational resources."

It's not all reading--we help with whatever subjects the students need, and there is also a group activity that is a great chance to engage with kids on less academic topics and teamwork. (Think: cool hands-on science projects you can invent and demonstrate!)

Note: If it's your first time, just RSVP here. Afterwards they require a background check (costs $25 after LA Work's subsidy) to make sure we're all on the up-and-up.

Let's Read on the LA Works website 

October 24, 2015 at 9:45am - 12:15pm
Pueblo del Rio social hall
Slauson and Alameda
[THIS IS NOT THE EXACT ADDRESS - you will be emailed after your RSVP]
Los Angeles, CA 90058
United States
Google map and directions
Lori Nowlen

Will you come?