In the beginning . . .



We welcome Dr. Clifford Johnson, a theoretical physicist at USC, to the October Assembly, who will be doing a talk bound to make us "wonder more" about the latest discoveries supporting some of the more "outside-the-box" ideas about the Big Bang.  Have you heard about gravitational waves?  These are the ripples embedded in the fabric of space that are predicted by "inflationary theory", the idea that the Universe underwent an exponential, faster-than-light expansion in the first few zepto-seconds (yes, that's a real unit of time) after the Big Bang.  Last spring, physicists working in Antarctica announced the discovery of evidence for these gravitational waves, lending support to the inflationary theory.  Dr. Johnson will lead us into the weird world of Big Bang cosmology with his talk, "Even the Universe has an Origin Story".


And don't forget the DATE CHANGE for October!  Instead of our usual 2nd Sunday, just for October we've had to slip it back a week to Oct. 19, due to unforeseen circumstances (not an act of God, thankfully).

October 19, 2014 at 11:00am - 1pm
Professional Musician's Local 47 Auditorium
817 Vine St
Los Angeles, CA 90038
United States
Google map and directions
Sunday Assembly LA · · 323-815-8783
Elijah Senn Hendrick McDonald Consuelo LoVerme Brittany DeVries Victor Hatem Ruth Martinez marlene furth Sara Reeve Vivien Minton Alexis Castada Malynnda Nielsen Gary Burbank Ellen Slezak Evan Clark Howard Wilkerson Jola Cora Liam McCoy Art Scotti Rebecca Z. Essenpreis Heather Buck Michelle Trame Charlie Woods Carrie Meeker Aldin Baroza Sylvia Moore A.T. Elli Laura Foti Shauna Eheler Brian Curd Christine Brean Craig Else Margaret Downey Curtis Nowitzky Pablo Vela Gary H Russell John Reinis Tosca Gilblom Conor Robinson Angelica Sampson Dev Sellin Tony Davis Hikary Alexander Polly Harrison Daniel Lenzmeier Namee Baijal Joanna Ouellette Pat Dixon

Will you come?