October Assembly: New Horizons!

UPDATE (10/17/2024): Thank you for your interest in our October Assembly. We have reached venue capacity and can no longer accept any additional RSVPs. Please join us on Zoom if you would like to attend this month's Assembly or join us in November for our 11th Anniversary Assembly at CFI.
Our regular monthly Assembly, this time in Venice Beach, but like you've never seen it! Extragalatic Astrophysicist Dr Sabrina Stierwalt presents "Making Complex Ideas Accessible: Advice from an Astrophysicist." We will have pop and rock singalongs with the Sunday Assembly All-Star Band, recruited from all over the world; some exciting surprises and a high-octane crowd of old friends and new. The Assembly is conveniently located at Electric Lodge and will be followed by a 12:45pm potluck less than a mile down the road at SALA HQ (723 Angelus Place, Venice CA.) As always, Assemblies are free to attend, so bring a friend or three!
We will also be simultaneously hosting this event via Zoom (link below) for those not comfortable with venturing out amongst the general public. Make sure you reserve your spot.
We will also be simultaneously hosting this event via zoom (link below) for those not comfortable with venturing out amongst the general public. Make sure you reserve your spot.
Join us in person or via zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqd--tqjsoG9dhgEGZ6etaQIKHMBjptdEP
Sunday Assembly is a volunteer-driven non-profit entirely funded by attendee donations. If you'd like to see SALA continue to develop positive secular community, please consider becoming a sustaining member: sundayassemblyla.org/monthly
October 20, 2024 at 11:00am - 12:30pm