Sunday Social: TreePeople
Join fellow Assemblers on an outdoor adventure to the TreePeople headquarters at Coldwater Canyon Park! Serving the commjnity since 1977, TreePeople is committed to inspire, engage and support people to take personal responsibility for the urban environment, making it safe, healthy, fun and sustainable and to share our process as a model for the world.
Note: The time of the event has changed from when it was originally announced; we're now meeting up at 1:30pm. The weather report says the day will be hot - so be sure to bring water bottles and hats! Thank you.
We'll meet up near the entrance at 1:30pm (on the eastern edge of the parking lot), and will start a self-guided tour of the TreePeople Center for Community Forestry, which includes a 1/2 mile mini-hike around the facilities. Enthusiastic Assemblers can choose to hike the full 2 1/2 mile loop to Laurel Canyon and back - or just hike far enough to see some gorgeous views of the San Fernando Valley.
Admission and on-site parking are all FREE, but carpooling is encouraged. The park entrance is at the stoplight where Coldwater Canyon Avenue, Franklin Canyon Drive and Mulholland Drive (West) intersect. See you there!
For information and a general map of the longer trail, visit (Note: hike description starts at the eastern edge of the loop; TreePeople is located on the western edge).