Eastside Explore Deeper!
Who says that Eastsiders can't explore deeper too! Join me at my Thinkpad for a stimulating social gathering of ideas! We will gather at 730 (NEW TIME!) and socialize a bit before starting the structured discussion at 8. We will chat until around 930, allowing some time for a last glass of wine, some snacks, and one-on-one engagements. I ask that we wrap up by 1030 because that is when I get sleepy! It is okay to leave early if you have to, but no one will be allowed in after 8 so that we don't disrupt the conversation.
Since I have a smaller place, I am limiting this to 8 guests, plus myself, since I prefer smaller groups so that everyone can be heard if desired. I may begin the discussion by showing a short video or doing a reading. It may or may not align with the SA discussion of the month, but I will tell you that my leaning is to explore existential questions from the non-believer POV--Life, Death, Meaning, Freedom, Solitude, Love--you know, the BIG ideas! This will be fueled by my background in psychology, my experience as a gay man, and my interest in the complexities of human relationship! Ha!
Because I am hosting a small group, if you RSVP please honor your commitment, or let me know ASAP if your plans change or something comes up so that I can offer the spot to another person. Don't be shy--RSVP early!
I will provide some snacks, savory and sweet, with wine and water. I will have a "donation cup" out to offset the cost (suggested $3-4), but if this goes well there is the opportunity to make it more potluck-ish. I also welcome suggestions for the discussion, and am open to having "guest hosts" from time to time!
Address will be sent out the week of the event to those who have RSVP'd.