5/12 Wednesday Whatever - "Venice" Game Night

Join us every Wednesday on Zoom for... something. 

This week... Angelus Place hosts "Venice" Game Night.

Just like actual game night, but on Zoom!

We have multiple rooms where games of varied skill sets are happening, or you can just hang in the kitchen!

Get a free account on BoardGameArena.com if you want to play 'fancy' games. Otherwise various party games like JackBox and Code Names are available.

Whatever written in clouds

Start time may vary week to week, so please check it.

Register via Zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqd-iprD8qGtGvDLBrelSRbyJk-Suh4vYs

If you'd be interested in hosting a Wednesday Whatever email [email protected]

May 12, 2021 at 8:30pm - 10:30pm
Sunday Assembly ·

Will you come?