Skeptics' Peña

What's a "peña?" In South America, the term refers to a gathering of like-minded people who get together to talk about some topic with the aid of finger food and wine and spirits (of the alcoholic variety). It's like a salon, but for regular folks.

The topic this month will be: Do we need a secular community revolution? And if so, what does it look like? Click on the link to read the Psychology Today's article that makes a case for one. We will use this article as a prompt for the discussion. I will provide copies of the text, minus the references at the end.

We will gather to ponder the world, one topic at a time. We will examine debates without debating, exploring our convictions –or lack thereof– and the reasons we have to have them –or to not have them. We will do so in relaxed, friendly setting, keeping in mind what Bertrand Russell is said to have said about beliefs: "I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong." Or, if you prefer, what The Dude said about opinions:

Feel free to bring food and beverages of your liking.

The plan is to meet the Wednesday after the Assembly each month, with a new topic.

Because of limited space at my place, we have to limit the attendance to 10, so please only RSVP if you plan to plan to make it, or cancel if you won't be able to in order to open a spot up for someone else.

September 13, 2017 at 7:00pm - 10pm
Wilmer's Abode
Address will be sent to RSVPs
Los Angeles, CA 90034
United States
Google map and directions
Wilmer Rojas Buendia ·
christoph ruegg Ken Alexander James Witker

Will you come?